A Fresh Breath of Bahston

My family used to make trips to Massachusetts just about every year to visit my grandparents. There are certain things that come to mind when I think of Massachusetts – mostly due to these annual voyages. I think of listening to NPR in our 1996 Ford Taurus (we called it the green egg) and my Dad chuckling to Car Talk. I think of playing Car Bingo and kicking my sister in the back seat. Then there’s the many golden domes to be spotted in Hartford, CT, a sign that we had reached the last leg of our trip and would soon be embraced by by Granny and Grampy in the cozy town of Agawam, Massachusetts.

And still more. I associate the smell of cigarette smoke with Massachusetts, and oddly not in a negative way, but in an “I-feel-like-I’m-near-family” kind of way. I think of the Polish home cooking of my grandmother and Great Grandma’s famous cinnamon bread. Electric blankets. Jeopardy. Full bellied clams. Stop & Shop.

I don’t immediately think of the Red Sox or Plymouth Rock or Harvard. My childhood memories continue to surpass what Massachusetts is most famous for.

Well, since my grandparents have passed away, our family trips to MA have dwindled. However, I’ve still managed to visit somewhat frequently due to my work travels.

And now I have a new view of Massachusetts. I’m making fresh memories as an adult that are no longer associated with family, but with Massachusetts itself. Although I must say, having visited about 25 different Stop & Shops in the area, that memory has stuck! But all the same, I have been enjoying this plucky little state! Of all my travels over the past 4 weeks, Massachusetts has topped every other stop on the map. Maybe it’s the bridges. The breathtaking views of the Atlantic and the Cape Cod cottages. The silly sounding accents (I don’t know why, but I have a hard time taking the Bahston accent seriously! haha). I’m even impressed with how friendly people have been – particularly in their cars – they are über polite to pedestrians! I did not expect drivers to kindly slow down and yield to me before I even made the attempt to jaywalk. Hats off to you, MA!

I will be sadly moving on to upstate NY this week, so I must bid ole New England adieu. In the meantime, enjoy a few more snapshots (and videos) from the road!

Sadly, I didn't get any lobster at this place.  But I did get some clam chowda!
Sadly, I didn’t get any lobster at this place. But I did get some clam chowda!
This view never gets old :)
This view never gets old :)
I’m not even a huge fan of corn chips, but the note made me feel special! I mean, it’s the little things :)
View of Fenway from the roofdeck! Perfect day for the opening game.
View of Fenway from the roofdeck! Perfect day for the opening game.
I don't know if this bridge has a name, but I enjoy it every time I come to Boston!
I don’t even know if this bridge has a name, but I enjoy it every time I come to Boston!

Andi ;)